Stacey Councilman
COLFAX, CA Level IV Instructor
Stacey is a 5x IBJJF Master World Champion, several time Pans, Nationals, and NoGi World Champion and has been the number #1 ranked brown belt master 3 female in Brazilian Jiujitsu for three years running (2021-2023). Â She earned her black belt in BJJ in October of 2024. She is also a black belt in Kung Fu San Soo and has been an advanced civilian, law enforcement, and military Krav Maga instructor through ICSU since 2018. Â In 2021 Stacey opened The Warriors Forge - a self defense academy in Roseville, CA which was also considered the west coast base camp for both Hero Self Defense, LLC and The Warrior Forged Project. Â In May of 2023 Stacey closed the academy to work solely on building Hero Self Defense, LLC, and Warrior Forged Project due to time limitations while running a gym.Â
Stacey is actively working on building and improving programs and courses, marketing and business development for Hero Self Defense, LLC | Mean Girl Self Defense, and writing a book on self defense, as well as continuing to train and compete in Brazilian jiu-jitsu.
Outside of work and training, Stacey enjoys time with her husband, and growing her farm and homestead at the base of the Sierra Nevada mountains, in Northern California. Â She loves to cook and hang out with her 6 dogs, 20 chickens, livestock and is also a mom of three grown children in their 20's who are starting their own families.